Earth, My Art Palette

Masinde Ezra-  WordCoded

Earth, My Art Palette

By Masinde Ezra- WordCoded

Mon 17 Jul, 2017 11:48:52 EAT
691 Views | 0 Comments | 85 Likes


Earth, My Art Palette

When my mind's bizarre and unsure

Up I stare at the azure

Iridescent with the broadcast of artistic sketches

Traced by the cumulus as it stretches

Pattering my feet away like a fashion queen

Mindless of the tufts of endless carpet so green

Gently stroking the caked feet underneath

The blades of the grass emerge from their sheath with stealth

Off the grass cover now on bare groun'

Dull but gleaming a perfect bakers brown

Wait till the cumulus are heavy and it starts to pour

Stare blankly as the droplets persecute the ground at your door

And in parallel fashion stirs up a scent

Am I the only one who experiences this live event?

Earth, my art palette, and in a bid not to be left outta the bracket

The bees perfect joint, a wave of floral scarlet

As a pen-off

Let my black inscriptions be the perfect send off.

By Masinde Ezra- WordCoded
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