Spell Of The Night


Spell Of The Night

By Eunny

Sat 24 Dec, 2016 21:18:58 EAT
5507 Views | 15 Comments | 92 Likes

#family  #violence  #hopelessness  

Spell Of The Night

I press hard against the bedroom door,
Careful not to arouse any suspicion,
My heart beat is far from normal,
And clothes drenched with sweat.
My ear only catches small grunts
Maybe whispers, but loud enough
Loud enough for my little heart,
That breaks every time I see mother.

I know my mother is in there,
With a beast for a husband,
Yes, my mother married a beast
That drinks from her cup of tears,
Whose body glows with my mother's sweat,
That walks with a lion's gait.
He predates on mother,
Any time, anywhere.

But mother won't give herself to me,
Constantly drying tears in my presence,
Yet every time I ask
She says she's allergic to dust.
"Mama, there ain't dust at night,"
I want to say it loud,
But I stuff it down my throat.
Mama won't let me speak,
Mama won't let me.

But tonight's a different night.
Mama ain't wailing as usual,
I can't see her
The door won't let me in.
I hear thumps and thuds inside
Then a huge crash against the door,
And everything goes dead silent.
I feel a cold fluid at my feet
I don't bother to look,
I already know what it is
I don't cry, I don't smile,
I walk away into the darkness.
Mama please.

By Eunny
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  • Kechi
    Awesome keep it up eunny
    381 wk ago
  • Tottie
    Hey, si uniue mwaks tu badala ya kuivia hiyo story yote..
    381 wk ago
  • Eunny
    Thanks a lot Kechi. And Tottie too
    381 wk ago
  • Osman
    381 wk ago
  • Masila
    Remind me again why you chose Runge Kutta over this?? This is just awesome
    381 wk ago
  • Jaymo
    Hehe uko t sawa kasweetie
    381 wk ago
  • Jaymo
    Hehe uko t sawa kasweetie
    381 wk ago
  • Eunny
    Masila...I can handle both, right??
    381 wk ago
  • Eunny
    Thanks a bunch Jaymo. This is sugar..lol
    381 wk ago
  • Davy
    "Remind me again why you chose Runge Kutta over this?? This is just awesome." Masila yawa. Hehe.
    Nice piece Eunnia. Keep it up.
    381 wk ago
  • Eunny
    Davy...half of my course mates are literally begging me to quit engineering.
    381 wk ago
  • Nel
    Fantastic piece of poetry, I do like it very much.
    381 wk ago
  • Magata Edward
    So contrite.too bad the peesona`s mum is long gone in the name of domestic violence.nice work
    381 wk ago
  • Magata Edward
    381 wk ago
  • Eunny
    381 wk ago

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