Warrior Within

Holy Boy Ritchie

Warrior Within

By Holy Boy Ritchie

Tue 05 Feb, 2019 21:31:54 EAT
605 Views | 1 Comments | 69 Likes

#love issues  

Warrior Within

In those dark disappointing days,
Lucy lived a lonely life,
She bled badly after being broken by her boyfriend,
Her delicate heart became heartless with no feelings anymore,
And finally she became a warrior winning all wars she fought within her heartless heart.

Like a withered rose no longer needing water
She was dry inside.
Neither those small sunken soothing eyes,
Nor that big now bold blameless eyes bled.
Looking like a ripe lemon, she had become used to pain,
She no longer need a man around her,
A man had been born in her.

By Holy Boy Ritchie
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  • Japheth Opili
    Very incredible
    271 wk ago

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