S06 E05 Sweet Memories

Budding Poets Episodes

S06 E05 Sweet Memories

By Budding Poets Episodes

Tue 13 Feb, 2018 10:39:08 EAT
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S06 E05 Sweet Memories

My mind like a hand outstretched,
Longs to grasp the candy sweet dreams.
Like a fog in the early morn they linger,
In my brain.
I lose all pain for I'm numb
But all that remains is this smile I wear like jewel.

^Allan Kiptoo

I wish I could brush off
Maybe to rush into the memories
But the empty room,
The unclean sheets
The dusty rooms
All reminds me of the skin game played
Yeah the game that rendered me fatherless.

^Expired Giant

That broad smile,
That soft voice as you repeated the priest's words,
Those charming words that left the congregation mouth open,
"Yes I Do,"
You finally concluded,
Those memories are still fresh in my mind,
Forgetting them is what I'll never do.

^Holy Boy Ritchie

For Rapando.
I remember your laugh and touch,
Your voice and your chuckle,
I remember the evening drives
And the morning debates,
I remember all the toys you watched me break
Yet still saw an engineer in me,
I remember, always,
For the memories are what makes me part of you.

^Rapando Jnr

I remember then
The only one making me sane
You gave meaning to my emptiness
Giving me a smile whenever
Till u left me for her
Shattered heart...
All you left me were
The sweet memories


There's a gentle sway,
The sun begins to beam,
Up the sky the clouds strip,
On the rock before the hut I stand,
All eyes gazing at the clearing sky
I feel her soft lips caress my forehead,
Then a docile smile crosses my lips,
But a heavy blow lands on my heart to learn it's just a past

^untamed ink

A team of shirtless, energetic pot bellied kids
Herding stick and a polythene ball, towards the fields
When crossing the line or touching ears amounted to defiance
And blows happily exchanged as a consequence
Fun emanated in mud skidding
Chinese toys hadn't come,love was in modelling
Skilfully swung like monkeys
And swimming was such an enjoyable tease

^The Heir

On that day I recall
Atieno married Njoro
Kiprono was the pageboy
Wafula officiated
Halima made pilau
And juice for reception
We left when it became dark;
Parents were calling.


Living with reckless abandon
Barefoot was the trend
Homework a pain in the neck
Mischief after another
Joy on all faces
That used to be life
Now it is only a distant memory


Beautiful moments
That take our breath away
That very instant
It always lingers
It never feters
By the touch of a hand
It reaches your soul
Those are the times that you always will remember


For Pa
I'm always told of the sweet childhood I had with you
A step for the other
I feel like I met you in another life
Every day I pray that you'll come back
Back again to the sweet family that we have had
Back to the family that needs you more than you need yourself.


By Budding Poets Episodes
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